01 Sep 2023
Legacy Code Craze
One thing that I noticed with many software engineers/companies is that they are very attached to certain programming languages or frameworks after working diligently with them.

Something that may be painful for those of us who have this habit is migrating to newer languages, frameworks, or tools.

However, this is something that we always have to do since software is continuously evolving and becoming better every day!
01 Sep 2023
console.log("Hello there!");
Welcome to this blog page!

My name is Marin and I am a software developer passionate about developing mobile and web applications that can improve productivity and the overall quality of life!

If you have anything insightful to share about software or anything else in general, feel free to post a blog about it here and I will make sure to read it!
01 Sep 2023
Good to hear about you're passionate about! Good luck with your career and make sure to follow your dreams!
👤 Anonymous